i'm a little disappointed in my scanner because the dark blue and purple look almost the same. i assure you this is not the case. and i'm not sure why i colored the messy yellow background. i was freaked out by all the white space and then i got worried that there wasn't enough brightness. and by that time i'd worked so hard trying to stay in the lines that i just scribbled it. i can always crop it out. as far as the design goes, i tried to use some colors that i'm not totally comfortable with. my kids were proud of themselves for recognizing the pattern fairly quickly. not too long ago they were talking about patterns in school.
back to where i started... the more i think about it, i wonder if i'm really supposed to be right handed. my handwriting is messy, i can't color in the lines, and i CAN write legibly with my left hand. i'd thought before that maybe i was ambidextrous, but maybe i'm supposed to be a "lefty."

ok, obviously the name on top was written with my right hand and the one on the bottom was written with my left hand. and yes, the one using my right hand is better, but i've been writing with my right hand for what, 26 years now. it seems to me that my left handed writing (that i've only done a very few times) is almost as good, and with 26 years of practice could end up being better. is it worth it to try to change now? i don't know. holding things (pencil, fork, etc.) in my left hand does not feel weird or awkward. but, putting my arm on the paper to write does. i don't know how to place myself to write the best that i can with my left hand. i guess it's something for me to ponder. i could even keep my right hand as my dominant but still work at my left hand and be truly ambidextrous. or, maybe this is all just crazy and maybe just being creative and artsy gives me the ability to use both hands in case of an emergency. i don't know. my toes can easily pick up anything and i've used it to my advantage my whole life. i've found (through pinching with them, heehee) that they are rather strong. so maybe it's just a similar thing with my left hand. uh, i think i'm thinking on this way too much and need to stop. :)
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