the footprint on the left is mine and the one on the right belongs to my 6 year old son, although i'm not sure which one (i have twins). i think what really caught my attention was the fact that my foot doesn't seem that much bigger than theirs. i do have small feet and i don't think they have big feet. i have a theory that my hands and feet stopped growing when i was around 10 so i look forward to comparing with them when they are 10. based on this photo, though, i think it'll be pretty close.
my other achievement is... i finished my doodled stars! i got really into it when i started and did 4. then, in corinne fashion, i lost interest. it was really hard to finish. i used all the creativity i could muster on one of the last two stars, and honestly, the very last star i did looks awful. i just didn't have anything left in me. doing 6 at a time was ambitious and i'll probably not do that again. here they are:

i do have a few favorites. the one is just ugly, and two others i feel are just okay... but, here are my top 3:

so, basically, these are just done with sharpie and bic markers. basic coloring and doodling. it's something new for me and i'm still learning but it's calming and helps me relax. i love it! it may not look amazing and it may not make me any money, but it sure helps me work out my creative muscles in short spurts. no long commitment. isn't that what we all want from any work out- a short time commitment but to still feel good after?
more is on the way! i can't wait until i have something else to post. i know people are viewing my blog (i can see page views) but no one has started following me... should i follow myself so no one has to be the first? heehee. also, for those who know blogger well, i don't know any other way to move around my images other than to go to the "edit html" tab and move them there. when i add them, they automatically add to the top of my post without the option of adding text above it. am i missing something or is this the only way??
I love the photo of your footprints. You have such a beautiful mind to see something like that.